Photo credit: Indie Ladan
The 2030 Survivial Guide is a visual double entendre and a provocation to consider a future impacted by climate change from a disaster preparedness perspective. The illustration provides basic instructions on how to field dress a rabbit in case of food scarcity. It also brings to the fore questions around the abdication of climate action and responsibility by the global elite; altruism and population control; and, international food security. The most rigorous scientific report published in human history states we only have 11 years to curb run-away climate change and collapse. Some are preparing for the worst better than others in the game of ‘survival of the richest’. For instance, billionaires are investing in prime farmland globally; ‘doomsday bunkers’ are now hot real estate for rich ‘preppers’; and, most apocalyptic survival guides are written by and for middle-class, often middle-aged, white men. In Australia, this same demographic is respectively 10% of the population, yet they hold over 70% of seats in politics and leadership across the corporate, academic, media and judiciary sectors. What does that mean for commoners? Disasters heighten disadvantage. By the time the elite take action, it might be too late for most commoners. Hence, why the stakes are extremely high this ‘hunting’ election season.
Curated by Will Foster
CLIMARTE Poster Project II commissioned ten contemporary artists to each create a unique poster provoking public dialogue and accelerating a response to the unfolding climate crisis. Hundreds of the posters were plastered around Melbourne as well as exhibited at Testing Grounds during the ART+CLIMATE=CHANGE 2019 Festival.
The 2030 SURVIVAL GUIDE (TIP #19): FIELD DRESSING was also included in Watch Your Head - an anthology of creative works devoted to climate justice and the climate crisis and all issues that intersect.